M 07814 883380

Southend Business Woman of the Year
Essex County B2B Winner
Lantra Sector Skills Coach of the Year
Business Bootcamp

Business Bootcamp
Business Bootcamp workshop designed to develop your business, generate new ideas and set goals for success.
Suitable for: All business owners who want to re-develop their business and personal skills and set objectives for the future.
Leadership Skills Working on or in the business?
Where are you now? Reviewing the business and setting goals for success
Managing Finances Are you making a profit?
Marketing Yourself Develop your own marketing plan
Developing a Winning Business Action planning for success
Every candidate receives a PersonalProfile that will help you understand how others perceive you, discover self-awareness, develop your full potential, and diversify your hidden potential.
To book or for more information
Telephone: 07814 883380