M 07814 883380

Southend Business Woman of the Year
Essex County B2B Winner
Lantra Sector Skills Coach of the Year
Communicating Remotely for Success

An interactive 90 minute online workshop designed for Business Owners, Directors, Managers and Team Leaders to engage, communicate and manage their teams remotely to stay motivated and achieve results. This online workshop will help facilitate and improve communication with your team remotely to manage and achieve results.
According to statistics, in February 2020 more than 4.7 million people worked remotely and this number is expected to rise significantly. However there are both pros and cons of working remotely and it is important to understand the benefits and limitations of this style of working. When your team are happy, healthy and engaged in their work, they are more likely to meet their goals and help you meet yours.
Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Popcorn Pulse - Positive thoughts for the day
Clarity 4D Personality Profile - How to understand and communicate with each other
Workplace Stress - Identifying and managing workplace stress
4A's of Motiv-ation - How to stay positive and motivated
Getting the Job Done - Working together to achieve results
Stay connect- Top tips to help you and your team thrive
Who would benefit?
Business Owners, Directors, Managers, Team Leaders, and Virtual Teams
Delivery Methods
The workshop will be run via Zoom and it is important that all candidates have set this up in advance of the workshop. We can provide you with guidance if required.
Can be offered voice only or video facing.
Remote Working Survey - Each delegate will also be asked to complete a remote working survey which can be shared at the workshop.
Clarity 4D Personality Profile - Each delegate will also complete a Personality Profile Questionnaire and they will be sent a copy prior to the workshop. Profiles are beneficial for future interactions including reviews, appraisals and management development.
Course Materials
Clarity 4D Personality Profile
Each delegate will complete a Clarity 4D personality profile that will help them to understand how others perceive them, discover self-awareness and develop their full potential.
A personal profile will be sent to each delegate in advance of the workshop.
Your Online Tutor
Angela Kimberley - Business and HR Specialist
Dates and Timings
90 minutes - to be arranged to suit business needs
A pre-consultation is available with the tutor.
The price of this course depends upon the number of delegates.
How to Book
Training for this course is booked on demand. To register your interest or discuss a bespoke programme please contact Angela Kimberley contact@angelakimberley.co.uk or 07814 883380