M 07814 883380

Southend Business Woman of the Year
Essex County B2B Winner
Lantra Sector Skills Coach of the Year
HR Services

Human Resources is required in every company regardless of size and sector.
In order to recruit and retain your workforce you need to have in place the processes and culture that is right for your business. Angela has worked with hundreds of businesses in all sizes and sectors and will work with your organisation in a practical hands on approach.
Angela can also provide you with a unique Managed HR Service YourHR.space giving you your own branded HR website which keeps you up to date with all legislation and streamlines your HR processes click here for more information. Click here to see the video.
Angela specialises in all HR practices including:-
Recruitment and Retention - How to recruit the right people and ensure you keep them
Induction - How to ensure you get your new employees up to speed and get them best from them quickly to maximise business performance
Job Profiles and Descriptions - Clarifying job profiles and responsibilities to ensure new employees know what is expected from them from day 1
Appraisals Systems and Performance Management - Manging performance starts from induction - applying strategies to ensure you get the best from your employees and motivate them to drive performance
Contracts of Employment - Setting our terms and conditions from day one ensuring you meet contractual and best practice regulations
Staff Handbooks - Setting out performance standards of what is expected
Policies and Procedures - Providing guidance to all Managers and Employers on Company Policies and Procedures
Communication Plans - Communication strategies in which to keep employers feeling valued and motivated
Staff Surveys - External reviews and surveys providing you with the information that really matters to make a difference
Personality Profiling- Self assessment on personality behaviours, leadership skills and action planning for performance development

For a free audit or informal telephone conversation call Angela Kimberley on 07814 883380.