E contact@angelakimberley.co.uk
M 07814 883380
M 07814 883380

Southend Business Woman of the Year
Essex County B2B Winner
Lantra Sector Skills Coach of the Year
Clarity 4D
What is Clarity 4D Personality Profiling?
An on line self assessment tool designed to help you understand yourself, your staff, your customers, your suppliers, and your friends and family.
- How you see yourself
- Discussion others perception of you
- Diversify your hidden potential
- Develop your full potential over time
We all have a mix of 4 colour energies within us and the Clarity4D Profile identifies the energies we prefer to use, and those with which we are potentially less comfortable. Personality profiling gives you the opportunity to learn more about how yourself and those around you, whether it be your staff, customers or suppliers.
"Thank you very much for the workshop Angela. The
Clarity profiling was really useful in helping us to structure the team to move
forward with our new sales and marketing strategy. Everyone enjoyed the session
and it was also a great team building exercise. I would recommend this workshop
to anyone who is looking to understand the team and their potential and implement new processes as it provides a great
platform for innovation and motivation" - Karen Sallows - Director of Crown Vocational Training
How does it work?
You complete an on line questionnaire which will provide you with your own tailored personality profile report. If you really want to know what others think of you then you can ask others to complete the same questionnaire on you.
Profiles can be used for:-
Leadership and Management Development
Personal Coaching and Development
Business Coaching
Customer Service Workshops
Sales Workshops
Team Development
Appraisal Workshops
Bespoke Workshops