M 07814 883380

Southend Business Woman of the Year
Essex County B2B Winner
Lantra Sector Skills Coach of the Year

Consultancy is a good way to make things happen quickly making it easier to set up and grow your business.
Consultancy services are designed to help clients put in place step by step changes in the business and also develop new processes and procedures where needed. I can also add insight to a particular problem.
I can offer advice and expertise in most areas of the business and help you identify quick wins to help the business in terms of operations, profitability, management, structure and strategy.
If you need help to develop your Human Resource processes including developing job descriptions, setting performance standards and implementing appraisals, recruitment and induction, contracts of employment, company and staff handbooks, developing training manuals, bonus schemes, staff surveys or day to day personnel issues I can help too.
I can work remotely or hands on with you at your offices ensuring things get done quickly and efficiently integrating and working with your team as appropriate.
With over 30 years experience of working with business, a Prince 2 Practitioner and Affiliate member of CIPD I can help fast track your business to improve and develop your business performance for success.