M 07814 883380

Southend Business Woman of the Year
Essex County B2B Winner
Lantra Sector Skills Coach of the Year
Personal Coaching

Have you ever felt that you have lost your direction?
Do you need some motivation to achieve results?
Would you like to set some goals for the future?
Do you need help to develop your next career move?
If that sounds like you then personal coaching can help you to achieve your goals, overcome obstacles and make changes to your life. It can also help you along your career path.
Through one to one sessions I can help you identify what is stopping you reaching your potential and help you put your plans into place to achieve success. Sessions can take place on and off line.
I will also carry out a Personality Profile with you to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and your areas of development.
Sessions are designed to help you to identify and action your future goals helping you feel motivated and focused.
To find out more give me a call on 07814 883380 or contact@angelakimberley.co.uk
One simple change can make a difference!