
Qualification Credit Framework Unit Funding Trials 2010/11


The Skills Funding Agency  would like to remind colleges and training organisations currently taking part in the Qualification Credit Framework unit delivery trial work for 2010/11 that this tranche of the trials finishes on 31 July 2011. 

The SFA intend to publish another Expression of Interest for 2011/12, which will be refocused on learners seeking employment but not in receipt of active benefits and learners who are interested in progression and co-funding of units. Providers involved with the 2010/11 trials, will not be automatically carried forward and will have to complete a new Expression of Interest for the 2011/12 trials. 

Colleges and training organisations are further reminded that, as part of the wider Unit Offer in 2011/12, from 1 August 2011 they will be able to use the Adult Skills Budget to deliver units from the Qualifications and Credit Framework to unemployed learners on activebenefits. These units are listed on the Skills Funding Agency website.


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