
New Manufacturing Advisory Service Launched


A new national programme which will focus on helping small and medium manufacturing businesses to grow has officially launched, Business Minister Mark Prisk and the Manufacturing Advisory Consortium (MAC) announced today.The new Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS) is now available to all manufacturing businesses across England. It will be delivered by the MAC, which is comprised of Grant Thornton, Pera, WM Manufacturing Consortium Ltd and SWMAS Ltd. It has been estimated that the new MAS will help to generate £1.5 billion in economic growth, 23,000 jobs and safeguard 50,000 jobs. 

Business Minister Mark Prisk said:“Manufacturing contributes half of Britain’s exports and has much higher productivity than the rest of the economy so it is essential to our plans for growth. That is why we are taking steps to ensure our industrial base is thriving as part of a strong and balanced UK economy. “The new Manufacturing Advisory Service will play a key role, providing tailored advice to businesses helping them to grow and thrive, with a specific focus on helping SMEs improve competitiveness and unlock their growth potential.”

Karl Eddy, Head of Government Infrastructure Advisory at Grant Thornton and Head of MAS, said: "This type of programme is vital to support Britain's businesses and economy in growth. MAC is driven by a passion for dynamic, innovative business and has proven experience in delivering advice for growth. As we drive this historically successful programme in to a new era we encourage business leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs in the manufacturing sector to contact a local advisor to find out more about how MAS can deliver real benefits for their business."

Small manufacturing businesses will also have access to a new initiative recently announced by the Government to improve the global competitiveness of UK advanced manufacturing supply chains. The up to £125 million fund will cover the whole of England and will help to support the UK supply chain, encourage new suppliers to invest in the UK and support economic growth.

Businesses interested in finding out more about the programme can find out more by visiting or by calling an advisor on 0845 658 9600.

The new MAS offer will comprise:

Level 1 (Enquiries) - Provided by a small team of experienced advisors geographically dispersed round England. This will ensure detailed local knowledge supported by an enhanced website offering a range of online support packages.

Level 2 (Manufacturing Review) - Continue to provide 1 day (2 day for more complex businesses), on-site specialist manufacturing diagnostic review. MAC will use a new diagnostic tool based on the principles of “Manufacturing Excellence” developed in conjunction with the Warwick Manufacturing Group which includes comparisons against best-in-class. In addition, a “Fast Track” over the ‘phone Level 2 will be introduced for common, well understood issues.

Level 3 (Events) - Continue to provide training and networking events, including best practice visits. These will be an integral part of delivering the Business Improvement actions identified at Level 2 . This will be complemented by a Sustainable Improvement Community using best practice social networking tools to provide peer-led best practice examples and lower cost forms of self help.

Level 4 (Consultancy)  - Introduction of a three tier Level 4 project structure:

· MAS Foundation Service: Funding up to £1,000 (or a maximum of 50%) towards an improvement project - targeted at companies who need basic low level help.· MAS Step Change Service: Funding of up to £3,000 (or 50% maximum) towards a more significant improvement programme.

· MAS Transformation Service: Funding of up to £10,000 (or 50% maximum) for a strategic change to the business.

Level 5 (Referrals) - MAS advisors are responsible for identifying partner organisation support but retain responsibility for referral until it is demonstrated and confirmed by the client that the partner organisation has addressed the client need.

Supply Chain - Focus on helping SMEs diversify into advanced manufacturing supply chains; helping Original Equipment Manufacturers and their supply chains develop better relationships and greater efficiency; helping groups of SMEs in supply chains or clusters interact more effectively. It will use the tools available through Levels 1 – 5 with custom implementation packages assembled to suit client needs delivered by a team of dedicated supply chain experts.


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