
World Class Skills and Jobs for the UK - The 2010 Report


World Class Skills and Jobs for the UK - The 2010 Report
Ambition 2020: World Class Skills and Jobs for the UK - The 2010 Report, an assessment of the UK's performance on productivity, employment and skills. Ambition 2020 is the UK Commission's annual assessment of progress towards achieving the Ambition to be World Class in employment, productivity and skills by 2020. It shows firstly how well the UK is performing and secondly what must be done to realise the 2020 Ambition. In 2009, This strategy paper set out a vision to reform the UK's education, employment and skills systems with the aspiration of being a world leader in employment and skills by 2020. Towards Ambition 2020 proposed action in three areas:

• motivate individuals to develop their skills;
• improve employer ambition and investment in skills;
• build a more labour-market led employment and skills system.

These areas form the three priorities of the UK Commission's 2009-2014 Strategic Plan.The UK Commission has recently published its second annual assessment of the progress towards meeting this ambition. It sets out four broad policy principles for driving economic growth through skills and jobs, accompanied by a set of recommendations for action.

1. Support businesses to create more jobs and more high skilled jobs:
o develop a strategic approach that builds commitment among employers to achieving the 2020 ambition;
o stimulate the growth of new industries and greater innovation;
o encourage greater employer networking and collaboration.

2. Invest in the right skills:
o prioritise public funding towards basic skills/those facing significant disadvantage in the labour market, and joint investment with employers and individuals in higher level skills;
o align the provision of vocational learning to local labour market needs, with informed customers driving supply, performance and quality;
o improve the quality and transparency of skills provision.

3. Use information and incentives as levers to raise investment in skills:
o transform the quality and availability of information on career and learning opportunities;
o use labour market intelligence to allow individuals, employers and providers to make appropriate choices.

4. Create a more efficient system by placing greater trust in providers of education and skills:
o develop a flexible and simple qualifications system in which only provision which meets employer needs receives significant public funding;
o review how systems can report against skills outcomes such as labour market progression;
o trust colleges, universities and training providers to develop outcome-based performance frameworks.

Read the full report,7YFX,1E3NAR,K90J,1



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