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- Coalition government plans to replace the Regional Development Agencies with Local Enterprise Partnerships.
These will be business-led bodies that work to promote local economic growth... - A Simplified Further Education and Skills Funding System and Methodology
Open date: 22 Jul 2010 - Closing date: 14 Oct 2010 Consultation document seeking views on simplifying the post-19 Further Education and Skills funding system and methodology... - Europe 2020 strategy
A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth - The European Council meeting on 17 June adopted Europe 2020, a ten-year strategy for promoting jobs and economic growth across the EU... - The Institute of the Motor Industry - Funding still available
The Women and Work Project is now up and running through Phase 4 and funding is still available... - Welcome to the Programmes for the Unemployed New Website
The Skills Funding Agency is the organisation with primary responsibility for the planning and regulating of further education and skills provision for those aged 19 and over in England... - The Work Programme - Be involved
The Work Programme: Your Thoughts - comment online - Taken from the DWP Website The Government has announced plans for radical reform of the welfare to work system and the implementation of The Work Programme... - EMPLOYER RELATED SUPPORT SERVICES DWP EXPRESSION OF INTEREST 30TH JULY
Contract type: Service contract - DWP Framework Agreement for the Provision of Employment Related Support Services... - Low Carbon Business - Improve your Efficiency for Free
How Does It Work? Do you have an annual turnover not exceeding € 50 million or an annual balance sheet not exceeding € 43 million ? Do you employ fewer than 250 persons ? Is your company's primary location within the Thames Gateway South Essex region - meaning that it falls within the local authority post code areas covered by Thurrock, Basildon, Castle Point, Rochford or Southend? Do other enterprises hold a stake of 25% or more of the capital or voting rights? If the answer is yes to the first three questions, and no to the fourth, your enterprise will qualify as an SME...