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- £450 Women and Work Funding Available
CASE STUDY: Tracey Guiller, Traybo Wood Designs To many it might sound hackneyed to say that Tracey Guiller has carved out a new future for herself working with timber but there's no other way of describing the change in direction 45-year-old Tracey has gone through... - Colleges to Bid for Funding for Building Projects
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (National) Further Education Colleges will today be given the opportunity to bid for a share of £50 million for building projects... - Changes to TQS Assessment
As of 1 July 2010, there are going to be two significant changes to the rules by which providers are assessed and certificated for the Training Quality Standard... - WRITTEN MINISTERIAL STATEMENT - Thursday 10th June 2010
Progress towards the Work Programme Minister for Employment, (Chris Grayling): The Government has previously announced its plans for radical reforms of the welfare to work system and the implementation of the Work Programme... - Skills Strategy 50,000 new apprenticeship places and £50 Million in New Capital Grants to Colleges
The £200 million cut in the Train to Gain budget that George Osborne announced on 24 May was not money lost to further education...